Friday, 1 March 2013

Header Creation (New)

This was the original website header. We decided to change it as it did not match the conventions of other sitcom websites we had previously looked at. Most sitcom websites (such as the 'Fresh Meat' website and 'The Inbetweeners' website) use a photo of the cast in the header so we decided to create this on our own website.

I chose this image for the header background as it is similar to the background image on 'The Inbetweeners' website. The use of a chalkboard on The Inbetweeners website signifies education and shows the audience that the sitcom is set in a school. We decided that the use of a chalkboard in the header would be effective as it portrays our theme of school and 'geeky' students. We also thought that the chalkboard would contrast against the graffiti themed font, showing how trouble and rebellion often occurs in schools.

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