Thursday, 25 October 2012

Individual Checklist

Primary Audience Research

Create an online poll in order to find out peoples likes/dislikes when it comes to sitcoms. I will post it on Facebook so that I can get a range of different people's votes. I will then record results and what they mean on my blog.

Secondary Audience Research

Research into reviews on sitcoms. These should include reviews from both ordinary viewers and critics. I should then decide how these reviews will effect my product. I will then record this on my blog.

Primary Research on Existing Products

I will create an analysis on various sitcoms including narrative structure, semitiocs and a textual analysis.

Secondary Research on Existing Products

I will learn how to make an effective website on Wordpress. This will include watching tutorials and research on other people's Wordpress sites. I will then post a list of everything our website should include on my blog.

Summary Of Brief

- You work for Silver Lining Productions, a multimedia company.They have had success in fiction productions.
- They have also developed supporting media for their broadcast productions in print, audo and e-media.
- The company is well known for its work in pushing the boundaries of existing formats.

- You have been given the oppurtunity to prepare a pitch for development funding.
- Therefore, you will have to present sample production work.
- The programme will have a target audience similar to E4's demographic (15-35) and will be  suitable for    pre-watershed
- You will produce the opening few scenes of your Tv programme establishing narrative themes, characters and location.
-You could include a title sequence and your finished product should be aproximately two minutes long.
- Your programme should be supported by a three page fan site. You should use the website to try and encourage as much audience interactivity and communication as possible.
- Your production materials should be produced to a proffesional standard.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Narrative Breakdown of Fresh Meat

Tzvetan Todorov


The flatmates are sitting around the table eating breakfast and talking

Vod learns she is going to be kicked out of Uni
JP realises his Dad's funeral is on the same day as his DJ slot
Josie starts binge drinking and sleeping around which angers Kingsley
Oregon invites Tony to stay, much to Vod's annoyance. The two of them argue about it
Howard finds an embarassing video of Paul, which JP sends to everyone
Kingsley and Josie argue over dinner
JP's DJ slot is given to someone else, and Ralph claimes that he has paid for the whole night himself

Vod appeals her expulsion from Uni
They all accompany JP to his Dad's funeral
Oregon breaks up with Tony
Howard tells everyone to embarassing video is of him, to save Paul's feelings
Vod and Oregon make up
Vod tells everyone that JP really paid for the DJ night
JP stands up to Ralph

Vladimir Propp

Hero- JP    His aim is to attend his Dad's funeral and the DJ slot. He stands up to Ralph when Ralph tries to stop this from happening

Villain- Ralp    Tries to stop JP from getting to his Dad's funeral, gives his DJ slot away, tells everyone he funded the DJ night when really it was JP

Donor- Vod    Sticks up for JP so that JP is able to stand up to Ralph. Therefore gives JP the ability to stand up for himself

Helper- Howard, Vod, Josie, Oregon and Kingsley     Accompany JP to his Dad's funeral.

Princess- Josie     Ends up with JP at the end of the episode

False Hero- Kingsley    Kingsley tries to start a relationship with Josie before JP

Dispatcher- Ralph      Gives JP the DJ slot in the first place



Vod, Josie, Oregon, Kingsley, Howard


False Hero


Roland Barthes


- What happened previously to make Josie and Kingsley bicker over breakfast?
- Why did Vod get expelled from uni?
- How is JP going to work out the dilemma with his DJ slot and his dad's funeral?

Vod- edgey, bit of a trouble maker, rebellious, a bit rough (short hair, slightly weird dress sense)
Howard- nerdy, a bit weird (jumpers, big glasses)
Josie- a bit crazy, a bit dumb, girly (blonde, welsh, wears girly clothes)
Oregon- girly, posh, sophisticated (well dressed, perfect hair and makeup)
Kingsley- boyish, trendy, typical teenage boy (average clothes; jeans, hoodie etc.)
JP- trying too hard to be cool (matching tracksuit and flipflops)

- messy, mis-matched apartment shows they are students
- lack of milk shows they don't have a lot of money, aren't bothered by day-to-day things
- lots of alcohol shows they like partying, stereotypical students

Slang words used by characters, shows they are young and edgey
We are therefore able to relate to the characters, as they use the same language as we might do

Narrative Theories

Tzvetar Todorov

Todorov came up with the theory that every film narrative has an equilibrium, disruption and a new/return equilibrium. The equilibrium is the normal state of everyday life at the beginning of the narrative. The disruption is an event that occurs in the narrative to disrupt this every day life. The new/return disruption is when the conflict is fixed and every day life is restored.

When the disruption occurs there is the recognition of the disruption. This is where the protagonists realise that the conflict has occurred and it starts to effect their daily lives. There is then an attempt to repair this conflict which often changes the characters in some way.

Vladmir Propp

Propp came up with the idea that in a narrative there are 8 character roles. These are as followed:

- The hero
- The villain
- The donor (someone who gives the hero magical properties)
- The helper (someone who helps the hero)
- The princess (a love interest for the hero- could be male or female. It could even be an object that the hero wants to posses. The villain often centres his schemes around this)
- The dispatcher (someone who encourages the hero)
- The false hero

There are certain criticisms of Propp's theory:
- Some narratives may not include these characters. Some narratives can be made purposely sophisticated so that the don't follow the rules of traditional folk tales
- Some narratives may not follow the idea of a conflict between hero and villain

Roland Barthes

Barthes' idea is that in a narrative there are 5 codes used to decode texts.

This is when we see an event and realise the consequences from it. An example of this is if we see a villain with a gun we know that violence will occur in the rest of the narrative.

This is where we have questions that we want to be answered. A good example of this is if a narrative starts with the ending. We want to know what has happened previously in order for the specific scene we are seeing to have occured.

This is a connotation which shows cultural stereotypes. From this we can figure out characters,
objects, settings etc. An example of this is is we see secret agents with gadgets we assume that the narrative will involve action.

This organises the meanings of the narrative by using binary oppositions or conflicts.

These are connotations and stereotypes that we, as an audience, can recognise from things we have previously seen. An example of this is spoof films. We cannot understand the jokes and find them funny without previously see the film it is making a joke of.

Regulations of Online Media

There is no specific Internet governing body but there are many Internet regulation bodies that work to keep the internet running smoothly. An example of this is:

The Internet Society

  • This is a global organisation that is governed by a board of Trustees to ensure that the internet stays open and is defined by the public.
  • They work to ensure that the internet:
     -  'Continues to develop as an open platform that empowers people to share ideas and                       connect in new and innovative ways'
    -  'Serves the economic, social and educational needs of individuals throughout the world- today and in the future.'
In order to achieve this they:

  • Create development of the Internet.
  • Support education in developing countries.
  • Promote development and community to encourage participation in areas important to Internet growth.
  • Provide reliable information about the Internet.
  • Provide forums for discussion of issues that affect Internet growth
  • Encourage an environment for international cooperation
  • Serve as a focal point for cooperative efforts to promote the Internet as a positive tool to benefit all people throughout the world
  • Provide management for initiatives and help efforts in humanity, education, society,etc.
This shows that whilst there are companies out there that aim to make sure the internet is beneficial to everyone, they cannot assure that inappropriate content doesn't reach the internet. We can see this by the fact that pretty much anything can be posted on the internet. There is easy access to pornographic, violent and offensive material. Therefore, groups such as the Internet Society do not focus on removing inappropriate content from the Internet, they spend their time trying to support internet growth instead.

Channel 4 Case Study

Channel 4

- Channel 4 is publicly owned yet commercially-funded. This means that they act in the best interest of the public but still have adverts and sponsorship in order to gain money.
- They do not receive any public funding
- Unlike other broadcasters (such as ITV) they are not shareholder owned. This means they act in the interests of the audience rather than trying to please shareholders in order to receive money.
- Channel 4 is independent from the Government, so are not controlled too much about what they show (unlike the BBC.)
- It has a remit to be innovative, experimental and distinctive, therefore they show slightly edgier and controversial shows that most other channels.
- It is governed by a board who are responsible for ensuring that Channel 4 fulfils its remit and delivers its financial responsibilities.
- It is a conglomerate- they produce television, film and digital media.
- As well as their main channel, they offer E4, More4, Film4 and 4Music. This is so that they have a large and diverse audience.
- They own online activities such as the Channel 4 website and video-on-demand servive 4oD.
- They invest heavily in the UK's creative economy including investment in training and talent development.
- Channel 4 distribute a wide range of shows from soaps to documentaries to comedies. This is so that they have shows to suit every available viewer and therefore get a bigger audience.
- The channel 4 logo is quite simple. It is monotone and made up of just straight lines. This is both so that it can stand out and not be gender or age specific.
- The E4 logo isn't quite so plain. The corners have been rounded off to make it look less boring. It could also signify that E4 isn't as straight-forward and regimented as the main Channel 4. The colour purple is used which is a fun colour and is suited to both boys and girls.
- Channel 4 distributes reality shows such as 'Made in Chelsea' on E4 as they are what the audience wants to see. Made in Chelsea includes lots of fashion and music which would appeal to Channel 4's target audience (18-35 year olds.) The idea of scripted reality shows is quite unique and individual which would fit with what Channel 4 are trying to achieve. The reality aspect of the show would appeal to the target audience as they would find it exciting to know more about the lives of people living a different lifestyle to them.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Fresh Meat Semiotic Website Analysis (New)

The background of the website is meant to look like peeling wallpaper which adds to the idea that the sitcom is based around Uni students. It shows that they don't have a lot of money and aren't really bothered about what the house looks like. This makes the show look quite edgy and will therefore appeal to young people.

The logo is quite bold and basic. It refrains from being fancy and complicated perhaps due to the fact it is aimed at everyday teenagers/young adults. The way it looks stencilled makes it look young and gives connotations of spray paint and youths.

The colours used are quite dull which adds more emphasis on the idea of student life. It could signify that the student's lives can sometimes be quite complicated and troubling.

There is a major focus on the picture of the 6 main characters which tells us that the sitcom is based heavily on the characters. They all look quite different and have different poses to show that they each have unique personalities.The characters being the main focus of the website adds to the idea of sitcoms being based mainly around characters, which is a convention of sitcoms.

There is a link to the 4oD page so that people can easily watch the show and catch-up on the episodes they have missed. The link is at the top of the page showing how important it is, because obviously the whole point of the show is that people watch it. It is made to stand out by being brighter than everything else on the page. Underneath it states what time the next episode will be on, so that people know when to watch it.

On the header there is a link to a virtual tour of the Fresh Meat house. This provides the audience with more information on the show which is something sitcom fans look for in websites. The phrase "Epic bants and dirty pants" will appeal to a young audience as it uses slang that only young people will really understand.

On the main page there are numerous links to other features of the website. The first link available is a link to the episode previews which fulfils the main aim of the website by making people want to watch the show. It gives them an insight into what each episode will be about and "teases" them into wanting to watch the rest of the show. Next is a link to interviews with cast members which gives the audience an insight into the show. If the audience likes the cast then it may lead them to wanting to watch the programme. An example of this is that a lot of people watch Fresh Meat because Jack Whitehall is in it and he is a popular comedian that many people like. The Facebook link is there so that the audience can become more involved in the show. They can discuss it with other people who like the show and therefore want to watch it more. It also means they can share their own view on the show and really feel part of it. Character profiles and the virtual tour of the Fresh Meat house produce the same effect; they give the viewers more information on the show. This added information can either make someone who has never seen Fresh Meat before want to watch it, or turn someone who already watches it into more of an avid fan. The tour of the Fresh Meat house would be particularly interesting to a viewer as it would make them feel more involved, as if they are actually there.

'Made in Chelsea' Semiotic Website Analysis

    The background and header image are photographs of an intricate carousel. This possibly suggests that the programme is fun and playful but also quite stylish. The colour purple features a lot on the page. That specific shade of purple is the colour of E4, so we can easily recognise the page as being owned by E4. This will appeal to people who already like other shows distributed by them. The E4 logo is at the top of page, tilted to the side to make it stand out and look more interesting.  

There is a navigation bar at the side. It is one of the first things on the page, so the audience can easily find it and navigate to the other pages. There is a link to 4oD which gives an easy access to the shows. This could increase the audience as people who have never watched the show before might click on the link. There are links to pages where you can find out more about the characters. This is so that the audience can get to know them and relate to them more. There is slang used with the word 'guys' showing the show isn't trying to be too serious. It also shows that it is aimed more at young people. 

Underneath the header is an image of one of the main characters. She is an attractive, young female which makes us believe the programme is full of glamour and fashion. The image will appeal to young women who will want to be like her or think think they can relate to her. There is a link to the trailer of the new series with a heading 'spanking new.' This is another use of slang to show how the programme is not taking things too seriously. The trailer will make people want to watch the show as they will see glimpses of what it will be like and will get excited for it.

There is a comment box on the right. This allows people to interact and share their views. It also allows them to talk to other viewers of the show. This viewer interactivity will appeal to young people as it allows them to be sociable and discuss the show with other viewers their own age.

Directly in the middle of the page there are links to videos and photos. These offer viewers the chance to see things they don't get to see on the show e.g behind the scenes footage and interviews. This will make viewers feel more involved as they get to see how the programme is made and how the characters respond outside of the show. It also gives the audience something to watch when the show isn't on.

Down the left hand side there are links to Facebook and Twitter. This encourages viewer interactivity because they can post about the show whilst reading other people's posts. There is a live Twitter feed so you can see any news, such as when the new series starts. This will appeal to young people as it means they can follow Made in Chelsea wherever they are and never miss important news. Also, it gives them to ability to start discussions with other MiC fans and really get involved with the series.

On the right there are links to where you can buy the DVDs of the show or download them via iTunes. This is here so that people who have missed previous series or just want to watch them again can catch up on them, therefore resulting in more money for E4. There are also more links to the official Facebook and Twitter pages so that people can 'follow' them. There is a notice that tells you when the show will be on next with another link to the E4 page to ensure no one misses the show. In the middle of the page are more links to videos and galleries. These ones are mainly focused on series 4's new cast so that the audience can find out more about them in time for the start of the new series and then start to like them. There is an opportunity for the audience to vote whether or not they like the videos which adds to the interactivity. 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Questions to Consider

From this analysis I have raised the following questions to consider for my own coursework.

- Who will my target audience be and how will i appeal to them?
- When will I schedule my programme, how does this link to my target audience?
- How can I find out about the products of my intended broadcast media industry?
- How will i encourage social interaction?
- What recognisable locations will I use in my programme?
- What will I show in my establishing shots?
- How will I make my characters relatable to the target audience?
- What lighting effects will I use to create my desired mood?
- What will my dialogue include?
- What camera shots will I used to create my desired effect?

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

'Made in Chelsea' Clip Analysis

00:50- 09:44

Made in Chelsea

Made in Chelsea is a structured reality television show set in Chelsea, London. It is focused around the day-to-day lives of several young, middle-class people living in this area.

Mist en scence

The characters are all wearing pretty expensive looking and fashionable clothing. This brings connotations of wealth and perhaps vanity. It is set in Chelsea, a very posh area of London showing that the characters are definitely very rich. The setting looks very sunny and attractive. This connotation adds to the idea that they have very privileged lives. It is clear that it is set in London from the London street signs shown in the opening sequence. This may encourage people to watch the programme as ordinary people don't often get to see what Chelsea is like and are intrigued by it. The performance in the programme is quite ordinary as it is suppose to look as realistic as possible. Most of the scenes consist of the characters just sitting around talking, there is not a lot of action.


The opening sequence contains non-diegetic sound. A lively up-beat song is played over the montage of images. This brings connotations that the episode that follows will be quite happy and positive. The music matches the scene as the happy music is played over sunny shots. However, the music isn't actually part of the scene, therefore it is asynchronous. There is dialogue throughout the rest of the scenes with city noise in the background to show that it is set in a busy area of London. The dialogue and background noise are synchronous with the shots.

Camera Work

The episode starts of with a montage of shots- some close-up shots, some mid-shots and some long-shots. The differentiation of shots makes the montage more interesting as the audience gets to see things from many different views. It then changes to a mid-shot of two of the characters. This is helpful as we get a clear view of the characters and the setting. We then are able to tell who the two characters are and that they are in a bookshop. We then see a mid-shot of the female character followed by a mid-shot of the male character so we can clearly see their actions of smelling the book. Throughout the rest of the episode the shots change from close-up and mid-shot so we can see a character talking or completing an action, or long-shot so that the setting or characters can be established. The angles of the scenes don't generally variate. It is only during the small montages between each scene that the shots become more exciting. During these there a few low shots in order to get a more interesting view on quite ordinary objects (for example, the leaves blowing across the floor.) There is also very little movement during the scenes. There is only little amounts of tracking and zoom when the characters move or leave the scene. Seeing as most of the shots are just of the characters sitting down, talking there is little need for camera movement. The shots are made to be quite ordinary on purpose so that it is as realistic to life as possible. This way we believe that the story-lines really are reality and that the characters are completely real too.


The lighting is high-key as the scenes are set in daylight on a sunny day. The sunlight shows off the beauty of Chelsea and makes the whole episode more appealing. The lighting is kept quite natural in order to make the scenes realistic.


The editing is kept as natural looking as possible. There are no major transitions between the shots. Only jump cuts are used which shows a continuous shot. The shots go in a linear order which makes the programme more believable as reality. The programme isn't obviously edited a lot therefore seeming real. The fact that the audience believe the programme is based around reality makes it more appealing. This is because people are intrigued about the lives of people which are perhaps completely different to their own lives. Also, the events may seem more exciting because they are things that could actually happen.