Thursday, 4 October 2012

Questions to Consider

From this analysis I have raised the following questions to consider for my own coursework.

- Who will my target audience be and how will i appeal to them?
- When will I schedule my programme, how does this link to my target audience?
- How can I find out about the products of my intended broadcast media industry?
- How will i encourage social interaction?
- What recognisable locations will I use in my programme?
- What will I show in my establishing shots?
- How will I make my characters relatable to the target audience?
- What lighting effects will I use to create my desired mood?
- What will my dialogue include?
- What camera shots will I used to create my desired effect?

1 comment:

  1. Very good set of questions here. Make sure that you use them when considering what to include in your own programme.
