Thursday, 25 October 2012

Individual Checklist

Primary Audience Research

Create an online poll in order to find out peoples likes/dislikes when it comes to sitcoms. I will post it on Facebook so that I can get a range of different people's votes. I will then record results and what they mean on my blog.

Secondary Audience Research

Research into reviews on sitcoms. These should include reviews from both ordinary viewers and critics. I should then decide how these reviews will effect my product. I will then record this on my blog.

Primary Research on Existing Products

I will create an analysis on various sitcoms including narrative structure, semitiocs and a textual analysis.

Secondary Research on Existing Products

I will learn how to make an effective website on Wordpress. This will include watching tutorials and research on other people's Wordpress sites. I will then post a list of everything our website should include on my blog.

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